Though right now, I am not able to afford the amazing designer items I would like, I hope to someday be fortunate enough to own a few special items. I have put together my top designer brands and my favourites from each of them that I hope to purchase one day.
At the absolute top of my wishlist is Chanel. My first designer bag will be the Trendy CC, as in my opinion it is the most classic Chanel bag, especially in black. I love wearing black as it is both flattering and universal - it goes with absolutely everything. Having this bag in black will match many of my outfits.
Secondly from Chanel is their iconic Chanel No.5 Eau du Parfum. Not only is this a nostalgic scent for me, as my Mother wore this when I was a child, but its elegant scent reminds me of someone I aspire to be.
For a long time I had decided my first designer bag would be the Dior black Saddle Bag. Though I still love this bag and would love to own one, I see myself as more of a Chanel girl. This bag is so perfect for everyday and is very much a classic designer bag. It comes in so many colours and a few sizes but my favourites would be the black and the cream python leather.
My other Dior purchase would be the large blue Book Tote. I see so many celebrities and influencers with this bag and I love it every time I see it. I think it's perfect for travelling or shopping and as its so big, it really makes a statement.
There are two stand out Gucci products I absolutely love! First is their patterned tights. I love how simple they are and they can either make you look elegant or grungy. My only issue with these tights is I would be terrified I would put a whole in them!
Next is the fluffy backless loafers. I have a dupe pair from Kurt Geiger (minus the fur) but I love the look of the real original ones.These would look great with jeans and blazers.
And finally, I love the 90s style sunglasses from Balenciaga. Both Lorna Luxe and Julia Havens got these within a week of each other and I love them! This rectangle style is really in fashion again and I think it suits so many people and most face shapes.
So there it is! My designer wishlist is complete. Hopefully the universe takes this as me manifesting and my future looks like the above!
All my love
Gracie Marie Keenan
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